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What To Expect With The Mobile Hygienist
If you believe this service might be of benefit to you, even if you already see a dentist or hygienist regularly, please contact us for an initial discussion and I will be happy to answer any questions through the contact details in Section 6.
We would want to understand how regularly you see a dentist or dental hygienist, if you have any on-going treatment, and what you hope to achieve through seeing a dental hygienist.
If you want to go ahead and arrange an initial appointment, by phone, we will undertake a short assessment to make sure it’s safe to provide care to you through this service. This will include understanding access to your home, or the area where treatment will be carried out, if you are able to have treatment in the dental chair or prefer your own chair, hand washing facilities and any pets sharing the house, medical history, and any concerns you may have.
Initial Appointment
Generally appointments will be up to 45 minutes. To make sure we give you the best care possible, however, these can be longer depending upon your needs.
The first appointment will take around an hour, as we will need to complete various paperwork and carry out an initial dental hygiene assessment, a treatment plan will be discussed and agreed together and consent form signed, and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions at this stage before we start any treatment.

Working with your regular dental team and dentist
If you’re not currently registered with a dentist
You don’t need to be registered with a dentist to be seen and treated by this service, but if you are not, and through our appointments we identify any dental issues that require treatment from a dentist (tooth decay, or crowns/bridges etc), we will make this clear to you, and advise you to see a dentist for this part of your care.
We can also provide a list of dental surgeries in the Brighton and Sussex area for you to consider and contact, and once registered I can pass on any relevant information to them with your consent. I continue to work at a local dental surgery in Brighton for one day a week, and so have the advantage of still being part of a wider dental team, and there is always the option of being seen by the dental team there.
If you are registered with a dentist already
If you are already registered with a dentist and decide to have your dental hygiene care and appointments with our mobile service this is absolutely fine.
Following your first assessment, with your consent I will contact your dental surgery to let them know. This will help ensure the dental care you receive remains coordinated in the best way possible between our service and your regular dentist, and there is no confusion or risk of duplicating treatment.